Issue 5: Ryan Rhodes Interview

Issue 5: Ryan Rhodes Interview

This week I got to speak with former European Champion and world title challenger Ryan Rhodes at the 26RR fitness gym in Sheffield. We spoke about his fight against Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez, how he became a coach and 26RR promotions.

The conversation started off with Ryans first fight outside the UK, which just happened to be against one of the greatest boxers from the past decade. That mans name is Canelo Alvarez, Ryan got to the 12th round after being down once in the forth. Ryan prepared for the fight by going out to Mexico three weeks before the bout. He did this to adjust to the high altitude with the fight taking place 5,500 feet above sea level.

Even though he lost the fight, Ryan still said that he really enjoyed it and it was a great experience.

After Ryans glittering boxing career, he became a boxing coach however this wasn’t something that Ryan had planned on doing, we spoke about how he just fell into it.

Curtis Woodhouse asked Ryan to train him around eight years ago. Ryan says he decided to continue training pro boxers as he knows what they want and need. Ryan then went on to get his British Boxing Board of Control boxing license and he went from there.

I also spoke to Ryan about the Boxer Series on Sky Sports which one of 26RR promotions boxers Ricky Reeves competed in. Ryan likes the idea of giving an opportunity to upcoming fighters, giving them an opportunity to get their name out there and get a decent amount of money. However he believes that Ellis Zorro the opponent of Reeves in the final of the Boxer series, was to experienced for the series, Ricky was one of the least experienced fighters in the tournament. Ryan told me that every boxer in the series should have a maximum of five fights.

Ryan Rhodes’ 26RR promotions is hosting a show on 15th July on an incredible 9 fight card at the Magma Centre in Rotherham. Tickets are still available and can be bought by contacting any of the fighters that are featuring on the card or by getting in contact with Ryan himself. Dom Hunt vs Cameron Kaihau will headline the card, with many other local fighters featuring.

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